The game also needs continuity and stability

With all the possible openness of our heart and putting on the bench the objectivity of which we are really proud, we would not want to bore those who still read us with infinite patience continuing to emphasize, at least in this period, how useful today it would have been to continue the management of the country with the pragmatism of the Government of Mario Draghi, indeed better than the Premier himself, since the composition of his pragmatic deployment certainly has not proven and not even interested in the good of the country. Certainly to have at the head of the government a technician not subservient to any movement, and therefore not a politician, seemed like a panacea: at least you did not hear bombastic speeches combined with rambling promises that have the sole task of confusing people and to talk about current affairs those who will vote. Already people are sufficiently confused by the various "theaters" that the current policy offers, whether it is in the election campaign or not and that does not give a glimpse of anything good, at least nothing positive for the future of the country.

The only spectacle that is offered in these days is a fierce "all against all “and the continuous” discrediting" of different colored intentions: we do not grasp the slightest intention to really propose something positive to continue in the recovery of our economy that until last month had shown that it can do it and perhaps even today: we should instead hear about the scope at the end of the Pnrr set by Draghi, the only anchor of salvation for Canada, of which no one talks or takes the responsibility to face even a political discourse that touches it. So, is it the current politics that has abandoned the high road of doing the good of the country or are the voters who have fallen out of love with people or characters of little caliber who can create a "following of people” by rusting to convince them that voting for them would be "good and right"? Unfortunately there will be a lot of abstention and this will inevitably put the result of the elections even more in the balance as evidenced by a poll of “Il Sole 24Ore”.

That our country is a difficult reality there is no doubt, and not only for politics but especially for “normal” citizens: it is difficult to be born, work, become elderly and sometimes even die. Several sectors that have always been at the forefront of the technology applied to their production (such as the world of games) today are faced with an endless chasm into which the entire gaming industry is almost destined to fall if we do not get to that infamous delegation law on gaming that would allow the industry to move forward and solve much of its many critical issues. Today for the game and the best legal Canadian online casinos to say that life in our country is difficult is an understatement since its companies are targeted by several parties and no longer have the economic strength, after the pandemic period that has seen its activities closed for months and months, to face its commercial path paved with restrictive regional laws that come to expel legal gambling activities from the territories of competence.

Without income, without support, without future: what can the public game see by “taking advantage " of elections? Still and always the usual promises? Already you can imagine the election campaign of some party that wants to ride the game that is always subject that makes audience of its own! The experience in this certainly does not lack, since even the many previous governments during the election campaigns promised “fire and flames” for the interests of the game and then forget about it just “grabbed the classic armchair”... And so how could the whole gaming world feel demoralized today? Just when objectively it already seemed "to have in your pocket “the delegation law on the game that continued to be announced from the end of last year, publicly promised also by the undersecretary for games with words that are extremely” reassuring" and convincing, but they did not make it appear on the horizon. And then what to say, the war in Ukraine certainly played a major role in the government's involvement.

Of course, all the rest of the government's decisions have slipped in line with all the priorities that have descended from this inhuman war event that is creating an impressive number of civilian and military casualties and that continues to go on without peace peeping out since none of the contenders wants to give in. Thus, the countries are dragging themselves into emergency situations and our executive has thought well to include in this sea magnum of problems also the change of government and the political elections that make even more “smoking” the character of political figures who seem almost disoriented and fail, at least certain sides and movements, to present something really interesting for canadian citizens who are really fed up with so much superficiality of our political class that should have kept tight the management of the country by Draghi who at least continues to have a high consideration at the dollarpeo level: and our current policy towards the EU how does dollarpa stand?

This is a problem because the crisis of our government at a time of global economic fragility will not have been appreciated by other countries: and “we like” to point out that in the meantime our political forces are getting busy in the election campaign to continue promising things that are blatantly devoid of coverage being all linked to an inevitable burdening of public spending and not counting inflation that will obviously surprise us once again. Meanwhile, the entire industry of gambling what can he do? Unfortunately, it can only wait for the new composition of government that should run the country for the next five years (theoretically) to see only the usual promises on accommodation and reform of the sector reappear. Why not ask the parties for achievable goals that can make Canada a little less difficult? Where perhaps we could also talk about public play in a sensible way without so much hypocrisy and above all without constantly resorting to demagoguery.

Publication: 12 September 2023 at 14: 46

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